Monday, July 12, 2010


Where did this summer go? As I think back on my summer, it is hard to imagine that it is already mid August. This summer has been one of the more difficult summers of my life. Many of you probably know that I am working for Reformed University Fellowship as a Campus Intern. This means that I will be going to the University of Maryland to work with the new freshman girls. I will hang out with them and get to know them and be a friend for them. I am so very excited about doing this. The thing about this internship that makes it hard is the fact that I have to raise my support for it so I can get payed and have benefits and all that fun stuff. This is a very humbling experience for me. It is very hard to call people and meet with people and ask them to invest in you and an organization that you believe in. It is also a really awesome experience. It has been so amazing to see the way God has worked in my life and my supporters lives to raise the money I have so far. There is no way I would have been able to raise $21,000 apart from the grace of God. It is amazing that so many people can be so generous. Thank you God! I still have a ways to go before I can move to Maryland. $6500 to be exact. As the beginning of classes draws near, I am really starting to become anxious. Questions start surfacing: Am I going to raise this money? Am I suppose to be doing this? What is God trying to teach me through all this? Where is the rest of this money going to come from? It is one thing to say you trust God completely, but another thing to actually live that way and believe it. I know that I definitely struggle with trusting God. I say that I do, but I like being in control of my own life. It scares me not knowing what is going to happen, or knowing that I have no control over it. I am always looking for something that I am doing wrong or what I need to be doing better. In fundraising, there isn't necessarily a right or wrong way to do things. If people are going to give, they are going to give. If it is what God wants for you, then he can bless abundantly. All I can do is keep doing what I am doing and I will end up where God wants me to be when he wants me there. It may not be where I expected or the time I expected to get there. I am beginning to come to terms with that. In the mean time all I can do is be patient and enjoy this time I have at home with my family. Looking back on this summer I wouldn't change anything. I have had a great summer traveling and meeting new people.

Anyway that is all I have for now. Sorry for the length. Writing it all out helps me process my thoughts, so I also apologize if it is hard to follow. I feel like I need to put in a shameless plug now. If you or anyone you know would like to donate to a great campus ministry and hopefully a great campus intern please visit Thank you all for your support and prayers! And thanks for reading!

Peace :-)